Friday, August 7, 2015

The Old Gray Mare - Finding New Ways to Succeed With Print Marketing

If you want to prove that print marketing isn't effective anymore, all you have to do is trot out an old played-out idea, and point at it's failings as proof that paper just doesn't hold weight, anymore.

But that's cheating - right?

Print marketing, like any marketing, thrives on creativity and innovation. Full page newspaper ads and cheaply-made postcards probably don't win over many new consumers. On the other hand, Milton Berle slipping product placement into a TV variety show probably doesn't do a lot anymore, either.

The real marketing success today are wholly unique, and eye-catching, regardless of what medium they're created in. The latest viral YouTube hit isn't relying on old boring ideas - so why should your print efforts fall back on old standbys? If your marketing is constantly going back to the same well of ideas, time and time again, it's time to start looking at the future.

At Tray, we strive to take the execution of print marketing off of your plate, so you can devote more time and head space to coming up with something new - something exciting.

After all, content is still king - a brilliant, thoughtful idea will always be successful. Our business is to help turn your brilliant ideas into a well-executed strategy. Talk to us today to find out how.

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