Thursday, July 9, 2015

Start The Presses: The Resurrection of Print Catalogs

If you've been following your competition, it should be no surprise that catalogs are back in a big way. Once considered old fashioned, many major brands - including top retailers - are going back to the books to attract new customers. What started as a kitsch trend to appeal to hipsters and tactile-loving indie shoppers has caught on once again with everyone from millenials to boomers.

So what's inspiring this sudden return to traditional marketing?

According to Harvard Business Review, it may simply be a sign of the improving economy.

But then the Great Recession hit, and retailers looking to trim their expenditures cut catalog budgets.  With the concurrent rise in online sales and marketing, print media seemed like a waste.  Although some holdouts remained (notably, Patagonia and Brookstone), catalog circulation continued to decline for the next several years.  According to the DMA, in 2012 mailings dropped to its lowest level since it began collecting annual data in 2001.The recent resurgence in the popularity of catalogs raises questions about their value and long-term viability.  Is the latest rebirth of the catalog merely a reflection of the Great Recession’s conclusion? Will they once again fall out of fashion at the first sign of softness in the market?
We have a somewhat more optimistic view. Here are our top three reasons catalogs are back in style:

1. Brands that utilize all marketing channels are more successful than those that limit themselves to one area.

This shouldn't be surprising, right? The more audiences you speak to, the greater your chances of success.

2. Catalogs provide consumers with a physical reminder of your brand.

Emails can be deleted easily. Social media posts can be hidden and ignored. Catalogs are a physical object. Even if consumers are immediately discarding a catalog, they are still pulling it out of a mailbox, looking at it, and carrying it somewhere else. The more time they spend with that book, the more likely they are to open it.

3. Catalogs feel more valuable than digital communications.

Today's consumer knows that printed materials aren't free. A brand that puts the time and investment into developing a catalog (particularly one that feels tailored to the consumer) is a brand showcasing their value and worth to the people that receive it. It makes your brand feel more real, more trustworthy, than digital-only competitors.

So, what do you think is causing this resurgence of catalog marketing? When you're ready to print your own, give us a call - we've got the experience to lead you through this new (old) trend.

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