Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Tray Way: Cross-Channel Marketing - The Interactive PDF

Everyone needs to innovate when it comes to marketing and messaging, but companies that decide to “reinvent the wheel” often risk time, effort and money without necessarily having the ROI at the end. The key to innovative marketing strategies is to embrace it by utilizing what you already have, what your key demographics want and finding practical mechanisms that achieve the desired result. This is the basis for cross-channel marketing.

At Tray, we have always been willing to explore that next level of online marketing and technological advancement. However, as many in our field have learned, it takes the right client. A great example of this was our use of Interactive PDFs.

The Interactive PDF is a platform that brings life to material beyond just what exists on the screen. It can take a catalog or brochure that people have seen thousands of times and make it fresh again. The key is having a client with plenty of content to share (especially visually) and a demographic that skews a bit younger and/or is more inclined to embrace a new technological platform. Luckily we had one right down the road from us in the Major League Lacrosse’s Chesapeake Bayhawks.
The result of our collaboration was a visually appealing, technologically-savvy, digital version of their program. It contained all the same content as their printed programs, as well as other bells-and-whistles, such as video, to help draw fans in. Additionally, it provided one more channel to promote and advertise sponsors of the team and put their brands and logos in front of more potential customers.

The Interactive PDF was a perfect supplement to what the Bayhawks were trying to achieve, and when working in conjunction with the team’s website, printed materials, etc., it offered a new way to present already existing content in an exciting way. Additionally, use of the new platform painted the team and the league as more interactive and advanced, which helped improve its image.

Organizations across different industries can achieve this same success, whether it is through Interactive PDFs or some other platform. However, before you take the plunge, the first step is always to review your existing material with marketing experts and explore how your customers want to be marketed to.

The Tray PML Way is the blog for Tray, experts in the printing, mailing, logistics and promotional products. You can learn more about our capabilities by visiting our website, as well as our Facebook and Twitter pages. For information about the company and its successes, visit

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