Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Marketing in 2014: Out with the Old, In with the New

When the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, 2013 will officially be behind us. What better time to step back, have a look at your old mail campaigns, and assess what’s in store for the future? This handy guideline to marketing in 2014 can help carve out the path to success.

Millennials are Changing the Game
One thing that marketers will need to realize in the coming year is that consumers, now more than ever, drive the content and channel. Millennials have been raised in an environment of constant messaging and are thus, more demanding. They’ve come to expect certain things out of modern marketing like engaging content and easy accessibility. Businesses who implement a proper system of analytics will better be able to determine which marketing tactics are being utilized by their consumers and will therefore be able to tailor to the Millennial consumer’s preferences.

Consistency is Key
Plan, plan, plan. Repeat it, know it, live it. This is vitally important for direct mail marketing. Now is a great time to have a look at the calendar and map out when you’d like to run promotions, sales, holiday events, etc. Mark them and set yourself a reminder weeks ahead of the start date to have any print materials that you’ll need made. 

Print May, Again, Take the Lead
With rapid advances in technology and social media, many feared the print age was at an end. Fear not, fellow marketers. One technology advance may lead us to a print revival. Augmented reality, or AR, blends new tech with traditional print. Those with the gumption to take the leap into AR in 2014 may very well see their efforts quickly rewarded.

Smaller is Better
Prepare yourself to do away with the idea that large, eye-catching mailers will be sure to get a second look. Studies show that large (over 6” x 9”) pieces are down by 6% in 2013 and they anticipate that number to continue declining. The predicted trend in consumer preferences for 2014? Little is more likeable.

Some of these tips and trends may come as a surprise, others may not. Either way, it never hurts to open your mind to new ways of thinking when it comes to the world of marketing. Follow our guideline and remember that the focus should always be on your customer and you may not even need good luck to be successful in the New Year, but we’re wishing it to you anyway!

Happy New Year from all of us at Tray Inc.!

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