Monday, April 22, 2013

Mythbusting Direct Mail: Dispelling 3 Common Direct Mail Myths

What if we told you that the earth was the center of the universe and not the sun?

What if we said that if you sail your boat far enough you’ll fall off the end of the earth?

You’d probably shake your head, laugh at us, and never take us seriously again – and rightfully so.

We thankfully live in a world where many of the myths people once believed have been disproven in favor of the truth. Myths of course do nothing to advance our endeavors and myths only stifle our efforts.

Well, the same holds true for direct mail. In this post, we will take a look at just three of some of the most common direct mail myths and bust them so we can champion truth and help you succeed in your efforts.

Myth #1: Direct mail is successful when it sells to as many people as possible

Achieving the highest percentage possible in response rates is not the goal - the goal is to maximize profits. Response numbers are tools for analysis and comparison. It's relatively easy to pump up a response rate if all you want is a higher number. Just give away something free. But if your net profit drops then it was never worth it anyway.

Trying to sell to 100% of your list reduces response rates because the message gets diluted in its attempt to be all-inclusive. The most productive mailings talk confidently and directly to the ideal buyer. If that's just 1% of your list, then forget about the other 99%. Sell to the people who want to buy what you're selling.

Want to know more about successful direct mail strategies? Find out all about us here and contact us for more information.

Myth #2: Direct mail has a low ROI

It is true that other marketing channels sometimes provide a higher return on investment (ROI) for a one-time sale, but direct mail provides higher ROI over the long term. Customers acquired through direct mail are often more loyal and have a higher transactional value than those acquired through online advertising or telemarketing. Though the costs for direct mail are often higher than other marketing methods, response rates are also higher, and through testing and optimization, response rates can continuously improve.

Myth #3: Direct mail gets thrown away and takes up space in landfills

The truth is that discarded direct mail represents just 2.4% of municipal solid waste, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the recycling recovery rate has grown nearly 700% since 1990. As a result, while direct mail volume in the United States has grown 57% in 15 years, the amount of discarded mail sent to landfills has remained virtually unchanged (2005 Municipal Solid Waste in the United States).

Even better is the fact that we have green printing processes from eco-friendly inks to environmentally friendly paper options. We have made a strong commitment to greater social responsibility. We will continue to do the things that will solidify the future of our planet and as each generation matures, we want to leave something behind that is a great platform from which the next generation will build.

From social to print, we are going to take you places. Contact us to get started today.

The Tray Way is the blog for Tray, experts in the printing, mailing, logistics and promotional products. You can learn more about our capabilities by visiting our website, as well as our Facebook and Twitter pages. For information about the company and its successes, visit

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