Monday, August 18, 2014

Color Your Mailer Successful

Your direct mail piece says a lot about your business. Literally – name, contact information, a call-to-action, but it’s also saying something more. Something you may not have even realized yourself. It’s subliminally stirring up an emotion within your prospects. How? Color.

The colors you use on your mailer could be sending a stronger message, or a conflicting one. Don’t believe us? Studiesshow that full-color ads are 26% more likely to be given further attention than their black and white counterparts. So, it’s no wonder that smart marketers use color strategically to enhance their message.

Here’s the breakdown:

Red - Stimulates the appetite and encourages action. Red is often used for restaurants and to target impulse shoppers.

BlueAlthough the most popular color, blue is preferred by men. It promotes a sense of productivity and security and is seen as being non-invasive.  

Orange – Want your product or business to seem like a better value? Orange is the way to go.  

Green Green is primarily associated with health, nature, and, of course, wealth.

Grey – When used in moderation, grey offers a sense of intelligence, conservatism and solidity.

Black Represents sophistication and power, but can quickly become overwhelming to the senses. Use wisely!

PinkPink may just be the most complicated color in the spectrum. It evokes different reactions from men and women and induces various effects. Women feel empowered around the color pink, men become calm and less aggressive. It is used to both calm and energize. Additionally, pasties and sweets “taste better” when served on a pink plate due to the color’s ability to induce sugar cravings.

And two words from the wise:
  • If you’re targeting a younger crowd aim for bright, vivid colors. If you’re focused on the elderly, go for subdued hues.
  • Choose only a few contrasting colors. The greater the contrast the more impact it will have.

Now that you know the insider secrets, are you sure your colors are saying what you want? If you want your next mailer to have maximum punch using color marketing, talk to us about creating the perfect piece to suit your needs!